


2 months, 2 days ago


Kelsey Grant

Kelsey Grant

Competitive swimmer with a quiet, standoffish demeanour, crazy resting bitch face and a dead eyed stare. He means well and is often up in his own thoughts.

Harvey is his best friend and queer platonic partner. The two met in high school and came out to each other first before anyone else. Kelsey trusts Harvey with his life and would do anything for him. The two spend most of their days together, often going on long drives in Harvey's red sports car. 

Always smells strongly of lilac/lavender. The people around him the most often say they feel more relaxed and at ease because of it. He swims so often that sometimes it's masked by the smell of chlorine, which he likes.  
Very tall. He has to lean forward in his own bedroom so his head doesn't hit the ceiling. Nobody knows why he's so tall, everyone else in his family is very short.
Doesn't have a lot of clothes he likes or feels comfortable in. He wears the same few shirts and hoodies often, usually favoring dark colours. He likes accessorising with chains and spikes. Hates wearing his binder but also hates not being flat chested.
Could be described as weird and a little gross. Just a touch. His manner of speech is usually a little blunt, his smile is more of an awkward grimace and he has a lot of little odd habits. To people who don't know him well, he seems to be the opposite because of his quiet, put together and unobtrusive nature.
Has a strained relationship with his parents. He still lives at home in his childhood bedroom in the basement. He loves his parents and is grateful for everything they do for him, but is also stifled and hurt by the way they treat him, often feeling childish and small. After years of his parents being ignorant, Harvey got fed up and took him to his doctor's appointments instead, and has been helping him out with it since his 18th birthday. Kelsey is forever grateful for Harvey but also feels guilty about it, and doesn't want to rely on him for much else. His parents still don't call him by his proper name. He's very conflicted on his feelings towards them and wishes things weren't so complicated. He has a better relationship with Harvey's family.
 Keeps a small purple star nightlight in his room that he's had since his first birthday.
Undiagnosed barely manageable OCD... it affects him the most in the form of nightmares, physical compulsions and checking. It makes him bad at taking his t shot on time and getting good sleep...... please pray for him.....
Has a lot of social walls put up. It's hard to get him to open up about anything, and he often feels a disconnect between the thoughts he has and how he verbalizes them. For the longest time he held onto a tougher, more forward persona as a way to try and get people to believe he was stronger and more in control than he really is. He's fine with being a soft spoken weirdo now, still sometimes doing strange things to appear cooler, but never changing his personality for anyone. Deeply embarrassed by how he used to act.
His favourite time of the year is when the summer is at its hottest. It reminds him of where he grew up, on the outskirts of a small city more north of where he's currently living. He misses his old home and wishes he had a licence so he could visit it again.
Can be a little spiteful and finds it hard to let some things go.
Has a summer job cleaning a public pool but it is by no means stable work. 
