


1 month, 1 day ago



Horace Faron

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 304

Height: 5’8

Sexuality: bisexual 


A story made primarily for shits and giggles about some vampire friends living in a fancy house together in Jersey City.


BRITISH ALERT ‼️ BRITISH PERSON ALERT!!!! British vampire from London how creative. Anyways, bro was just your average chap until he met Marcelle, a vampire from France, who is now his lovely wife. He went from a mortal human that was kind of a moron to a vampire that was a total fucking moron but that’s alright he’s Marcelle’s big dumb idiot. He just kinda happened to max out his charisma stat and put very little in the intelligence category.

Very artsy man even though he’s not very good at it. Charms his wife with his mediocre poetry and poor piano playing skill. He’s a bit of a flashy cocky prick like Juan Carlos is though (explains why half the time they got along and the other times they’re having an dick measuring contest), he’s just a lot more old timey than Lil Dracula the Jersey boy rapper over here. He’s also a lot more flamboyant and openly bisexual that Juan Carlos is. 

He originally moved to New York with his wife and met Juan Carlos in the 50’s, been homies ever since and got up to all kinds of crazy shenanigans together. They still love doing stupid shit together, much to Marcelle’s mild annoyance (though she’s usually more mad Juan Carlos than at Horace). Recently his home slice bread slice dawg invited Horace to his cool new vamp house in Jersey City, and since he was getting bored with New York, he went along with it.

Just because he gets down to stupid business with his good time pal doesn’t mean he doesn’t also go to stupid town with his wife too. Because lord knows they had so many crazy stupid stories. A very impulsive guy who just can’t help himself getting into trouble constantly. 
