moonjelly's Comments

i can offer £35, a shaded fullbody + a shaded icon ^^

I'll accept if you are still interested! :)

yippee! i am :3

alright i will dm you :)

Omg… this character is sooo beautiful… but there’s no way I’d be able to autobuy since it’s so much money all at once :’) do you by any chance do payment plans? I understand 100% if not, just curious bc if so then I might offer :3

depends on the payment plan: :)
I am also willing to accept less than the autobuy price as well x3

Oooh… since it converts to about $115 in my currency (AUD) I was thinking like 10 a week / 20 a fortnight but it’s alright if not! I’m still kinda deciding whether or not I should do it though because as obsessed as I am with the character’s design, it is suuuper complex so I probably won’t be able to draw them that often :’)

If a payment plan was put in place it would fortnight ( so the paypal fees aren't as bad ). 

I am not sure if you meant 10/20 in your currency or mine? But assuming yours the payment plan would take place over 12 weeks. :)

If you do like the design but believe its too complicated I do have customs open! they are cheaper and less complicated :)

information here!

I meant in your currency, sorry for not specifying! ^^ I had a look at your custom info :0 I’ll get back to you on what I decide :3

Does anyone here catch your eyes? I can do multiples!

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :) 

Okay! Thank you for the opportunity

I’m in love! I can offer these! Will trade multiple!

Everyone in my alt th is ufo!

And these folders on my main!

And these from my main th’s hands off folder!

Definitely gonna be a second fursona if I get her!

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :) 

Oof, well that’s ok! Thank you so much anyways! 

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :) 

Hello! I am interested in this guy, I have characters for trade! I could trade many for them!

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :) 

not offering but oh my dog this design is beautiful <33

Thank you :)


I would love to try to offer trades :). These characters I'm actively searching to rehome:

This is the more pickier folder, I can deline here, characters. The miloudee folder in feral IS NOT FOR TRADE though sorry:

Thanks for looking :).

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :) 

id like to offer anyone from here, here and here. ty for looking!

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :) 

How much were you looking for money-wise?

Their Autobuy is £60 :)

Does anyone in this folder interest you? The only ones off limits are Waff and Poptart

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :) 

I can offer anyone in my TH, or art?

Sorry but I am not really interested in your offer, thank you for interest. :)