Michiko Kimura



5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Michiko Kimura

MC Name: L.T. RUSH

Group: ???

Birthday: January 17th

Age: 27

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 124 lbs

Occupation: Bomb Squad Tech (Former) , Commercial Pilot


Quote: We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.

An adrenaline junkie by trade, Michiko has seen everything there is to see and done everything there is to do when it comes to getting a rush. She spent a considerable amount of time bouncing between jobs and occupations, but eventually found her place after an offer from the local police department led her to joining the Bomb Squad. However, an incident forced her into early retirement, her superiors considering her a liability and figuring she was better off on desk duty, not thinking it was a major loss due to sexist attitudes anyway. Her service records was impressive enough for her to get a job offer from the Party of Words, and she began to work secretly under Ichijiku. She heavily blamed the world state and may men for her losses, and was intent on making something of herself once again, and was more than willing to climb on top of others to do it.

Generally fun loving and cheerful. Sometimes a little selfish and flighty, but means well. Went to school for engineering initially. Obtained her pilot’s license early. She doesn't wear anything that shows off her lower legs.

Riou is one of the few people shes shown her burn. They talk about their service times with one another

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