


2 months, 2 days ago


Gender: F
Element: Fire
Mask: Great Kaukau/Kaukau Astra
Ht: 4'5" as Matoran, 7'4" as Toa
Wt: 110lbs as Matoran, 180lbs as Toa
Orientation: Demiromantic Asexual
Eyes: Yellow
Speciality: Mask-making
Tool: Magma Cannon

Originally a Ta-Matoran mask maker, Sufi has a quiet, serious nature and is very duty-bound, though she bores relatively quickly and has a mild defiant streak. Originally an apprentice to Nuhrii, Sufi spent several uneventful centuries doing her job, until one day an accident caused by a lapse in attention caused her right arm to be sheared off by a piece of heavy equipment. Not one to be deterred, she commissioned a model arm from a Po-Matoran carver, made a mold out of it, and formed an operating prosthetic out of spare protodermis. Many of her peers worried that she’d be punished for the unauthorized usage of the substance, but Dume instead praised her instead for her ingenuity and stubborn adherence to her duty.

Upon awakening in Mata Nui, Sufi took up a job lava farming. However, once her close friend Bast was killed in the Rahi attacks, she took his place in the guard. However, a craftsman at heart, she could never get used to the job, and would occasionally shirk her duty. During a scouting mission to Po-Wahi, she met Kabo, and the two became fast friends. She eventually took scout duty regularly in order to spend time with him, which mostly consisted of keeping an eye on him and occasionally rescuing him while he honed his Nui-Jaga-wrestling skills. Eventually, Kabo would ask her to teach him the sport of Ignalu, which she initially refused until he wore her down. She took safety very seriously and partially hoped that her insistence on it would discourage Kabo from continuing, but he persisted until Jaller discovered why she had been late for guard duty, earning her a demotion in rank and restricting her to Ta-Koro.

She would get the chance to resume her old job after the Matoran relocation to Metru Nui, forging tools for crafting and cleaning rather than masks. However, after only a few weeks on the job, she and the visiting Kabo were caught in the collapse of her forge, which killed them both.

Later, Sufi reawakened onboard the Red Star, now in the body of a Toa. In a gesture of respect toward her individuality, her right arm remained a prosthetic, though it now had her Toa Tool, a Magma Cannon, integrated into it. Her mask, an ordinary Kaukau, had been transformed into the Kaukau Astra, which allows her to breathe any substance as if it were air for an extended period of time. As such, her battle strategies generally involve her laying down a dense cloud of smoke to blind and choke her opponents, using her mask to navigate safely.

Sufi and the other Toa Astra were tasked with repairing the Red Star’s teleportation system, eventually using it to transport themselves to the surface of the reformed Spherus Magna, now with several months worth of events to catch up on. Sufi’s priorities lied with finding the new equivalent of Ta-Koro and regaining the trust of her old friends, coworkers, and captain, before regrouping with her team and becoming nomadic, helping out anyone in need.

As a Toa Astra of Fire, Sufi is relatively small, especially when compared to the Mahri or Phantoka/Mistika. Her color palette tends towards darker, ashier reds, reflecting her preference for smoke over fire.