Oma & Omoth



1 month, 12 days ago


• Anatomy & Physiology
Omoths are BIG moths, they are bipedal and their fluffy bodies are slightly hunched over and they possess a robust abdomen and big beautiful wings. They have faceted eyes and three sets of legs, two sets act more like arms with hands, while the hind legs act more like regular legs. Their size varies from cat-sized to big dog-sized.

Omas are big, chubby caterpillars and are technically the same species, they're just the Omoths larvae stage. This is the most versatile species in the world of Seeker Creatures in terms of both habitat adaptation and form diversity, they're found all over the world. Every new Seeker will get an Oma as their first companion.
• Reproduction & Life Cycle
Before a wild female Omoth lays her eggs, she will look for an area with a lot of food for her caterpillars, this will become her temporary territory. After laying her eggs, the female Omoth will stick around and guard the eggs until they hatch. An Omoth starts its life as an egg, that hatches into an Oma and after a year it's finally time for it to pupate. The Oma will stay in there for an entire month before they emerge as an Omoth, right after they emerge they have to wait a few hours for their wings to dry up and unfold. They live for about 15 years.

Seekers don't only breed Omas for new Seekers to get their first companion, they are also bred for the silk that Omas can produce.
• Diet & Feeding
Omas will eat EVERYTHING that gives them even a tiny ounce of nutrients, their whole thing is that they want to eat constantly. Their goal is to get enough nutrients to metamorphize into their next stage of life - to pupate and become an Omoth. Once they're an Omoth they want sugary things, like nectar and fruit.

Since Omas needs a copious amount of food, Seekers have selectively bred fruits and vegetables specifically for Omas and Omoths to be especially nutrient-dense.
• Behavior & Temprament
Omoths that are bred in captivity are very docile and affectionate and are ideal companions for new Seekers. Omoths need to be handled by Seekers in their Oma stage to become great companions, otherwise they'll become feral. Omoths that grew up in the wild are territorial and aggressive towards intruders, but will only "attack" if they outnumber their perceived threat. However, they have no way of hurting you, their method of defense is to swarm and scare you into retreating. If they notice their tactics aren't working, they will simply give up and hide instead.

Captivity-bred Omas and Omoths act very much like kittens and puppies.
• Trivia
  • I got the name "Oma" from the Swedish word "Åma", which is an obscure word for caterpillar.
  • I chose the name "Omoth" because it matches, and every time I see a moth I think "OH!! MOTH!!!"
  • I found a Fox Moth caterpillar a few summers ago, which is what made me want a caterpillar/moth species.
  • Omoths are inspired by Slither Wing from Pokémon.