tbn pupy's Comments

can offer anyone here or here

daww the skruggly

Yo, I'd be down to do a custom, halfbody piece, or any other art. If not lemme know if anyone on my profile interests you, I sometimes don't know how much I prefer them so like if you literally find anyone you like you got a 50/50

Art examples:

Custom: https://toyhou.se/deathtonoadveil/art#78545333

Art pieces: https://toyhou.se/deathtonoadveil/art?page=1

Sketch pagelink Random fullbody sketch

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i could use them for a lil buddy for Myst (the girlie you gave to me as a custom)

Hello there, if you gave this little guy away for free , They would be used as a persona and as an oc. They would go in my silly sona folder. They look very sugar cookie coded and the colorful design caught my attention.

No tengo tanta wea asi que dare mis razones aaaaa

-tengo una cuenta secundaria donde guardo mi pequeña coleccion de wiwis de este tipo, todos estan relacionados a cosas de mi infancia o que me gustan en la actualidad. 

-este wiwi me recuerda a los sueños asi que probablemente lo llamaria "lil blue dreamer" y seria un pequeño guardian de los sueños que vive entre las nubes y junto a sus amigos (2 otros wiwi que viven en las nubes, angel without a face y felling safe?) protegen el sillyworld(si asi se llama el mundito. Seria el mas chiquito de los 3 protectores y el mas amigable tambien siento que es el encargado de poner las estrellas en el cielo de silly word

OMGGG i really like their colours and design with stars QwQqq i was looking for a blue bright char for sooo long and it's combined with stars too qwqqq 

if you're willing to give it for free, i would drop them in my star themed college setting with others characters i have ^^ or i could offer a sketch coloured halfbody! 

https://toyhou.se/satellor/art#79117886 this is the best example for what i meant! 

Hai I'll accept that for them ! would you be alright drawing the IC?

i don't understand what IC means :D if you explain that to me, I'll do that for sure!! 

The character that shows up as the icon, this character 


ahhh sure!! i can dm you with wip prob tomorrow after work :3 

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I’d use em in my comfort world possibly!

can I claim?

Please read the profile

oopsies okay i'd probably use them as one of mains