Dayir Ura




Narangerel "Dayir" Ura
he/him | 36 (ARR) - 40 (DT) | 7'1" / 216.92cm | Late October (Scorpio)
parents: Bayasakh Ura (father), Saikhanzaya Ura (mother)
siblings: Enkh Ura (older brother), Sarnai Ura (younger sister)
children: Manami Ura (adopted daughter), Sebastien Ura (son), Astra Ura (daughter), Otgonbayar Orl (son), Zaya Ura (child)
unsundered self: Eurydice (he/him)
other notes:
- Gives his friends and family food / fruit / vegetable-based nicknames, a quirk he got from his own family
- Got all kinds of insane yaoi going on.
- AWFUL AWFUL coping mechanisms going on, too.
- Voice claim is Noshir Dalal as Yone in League of Legends
- All of his kids have different fathers. Don't worry too much about it.