Anyone here are what you looking for ? 

I love it when people say that they are in my religion!!! YES!!!

Get roped into Hinduism


Omg ahhhhhh sure if you think I’ll like them

if u end up not liking them i apologize ima yeet them at u now jsdfbdsjkhbhjvbjhfdgjndf

BoIiiiii!! I saw that character this morning and was thinking ‘imma ask if I can draw them for you ‘cause they’re adorable’

I have to do something for you now because they’re so cute

And I’m going to scream

scRee no i just knew id never use them so i thought i might as well give it to someone who would actually use them fsdbfjhdsbfjhbkds vhjksdbbvjsdhabfnkjsd

AhhhhhHhhhhHhHHHHH- I still want to at least draw something for you ahhh because you are too sweet ughhhhh tyty

9 Replies

i would try n make something but i suck at designing characters--

I am trying to get better at this too ahhhhh

i mean I guess i designed a decent one recently???

ahhh did you really?? Awesome sauce my dude ;))))

I guess uhhhh u can be the judge of your opinion if u wanna see it lmao 

Omg that is really nice, I love the color palette, and I love bows sm :))) 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

4 Replies