Enzo Zurich



2 months, 1 day ago


Name: Enzo Zurich

Alias: Dreadzone’s Escort

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Place of Origin: Polaris Galaxy, Planet Phorrega, Corvus Sector

D.O.B: October 30th, 5326

Astrological Sign: Scorpio 

Species: Phorrox

Height: 7’0” ft.

Weight: 259 ibs

Personality: Aggressive, callous, malicious, surly, intrepid, vulgar

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Alignment: Lawful evil

Affiliation: Dreadzone

Occupation: Talent recruiter and head of Vox’s robotic commandos

Languages Spoken: Standard intergalactic, Mainstream Phorrian, Tyranoid, Some Blargian

Favorite color: Black

Fears: Being imprisoned, Vox

Hobbies: Playing horror genre themed video games, body building, Holo-Journaling, Collects the newest technology

Distinguishing Features: Golden eyes, Scars covering entire body, Chocolate brown hair that reaches shoulders, Spots on hips/shoulders/face/ears, Ears that curve inward

Official Backstory: Those who find themselves at Dreadzone are usually forced there, but there are some who choose to subject themselves to the horror of the Dreadstation willingly. Such was the case for Dreadzone’s feared escort, Enzo Zurich. Born to a mother who did not truly want him he was barely given the basic care necessary to keep him alive and her out of a jail cell. As he turned into an older child his mother began to stop caring for him altogether, slipping back into old vices, and often times leaving it up to him to care for himself. Often relying on the kindness of strangers to do so. It wasn’t until the boy was fourteen that child services finally intervened in his toxic home environment, tipped off by the highschool he was attending at the time. 

Once Enzo was inducted into the foster system he would find himself jumping from foster family to foster family, none of them ever able to work out thanks to his aggressive nature. At school he faired no better, often finding himself in fights with other students thanks to just the slightest provocation. However hope was not lost for the boy’s future. Regardless of his violent behavior he did harbor a secret talent for mechanical engineering. Often times spending his free time working in the school’s shop. With his highschool degree in hand, and unable to attend college thanks to having no educational fund, Enzo sought out to join the workforce. That plan would never come to pass. With no prior work experience and no references to give he found himself virtually unemployable by any legitimate organization. 

With nowhere else to turn Enzo found himself offering his services as a mechanical engineer to those in the criminal world, often going from one job to another just to keep himself alive. After running in criminal circles for six months he would hear rumors of a new station looking for workers in the Solana galaxy and decided to take a chance and fly out that way to find work. Enzo, having come to the station without making any prior arrangements, found himself captured by the robotic commandos guarding it and dragged into the office of what seemed to be the boss of the place. Gleeman Vox. At first he was tempted to kill Enzo and be rid of him, but upon hearing he was there for work decided to give the boy a chance. For two years Enzo worked as a robotics engineer on the Dreadstation, fixing the very same commandos that had captured him all those years ago, and even going on to form friendships with many of them. 

It wasn’t until the station was finished and Vox’s show, Dreadzone, was soon due to air did Enzo receive his “promotion”. The new job? Escorting Vox’s robotic commandos as they located and captured required contestants for the show. The position even came with a gift, a double sided spiked hammer that was almost as big as him. After six months of proper combat training Enzo found and delivered his first contestant to Vox, forever cementing his place in Dreadzone history. 

Special items:  

  • Double sides spiked hammer


  • Dual Vipers
  • Fusion rifle
  • B6 Obliterator


  • Core engineering and technical knowledge, Technical drawing and design, Hand to hand/melee/fire arm combat, Ship maintenance and repair


  • Allies: Gleeman Vox
  • Enemies: Solana Defense Force


  • Cracks knuckles
  • Is always too hot
  • Likes to flip his hair

Quotes: “I don’t care so long as the job gets done.”


  • Species hails from an arctic planet
  • Develops antifreeze protein in blood
  • Was saved by Clank when Vox threatened to blow the station up causing him to not only remember but also develop a fondness for him
  • Favorite drink is whiskey
  • Easily holds grudges
  • Will protect Vox’s commandos with his life

RAC (c) Insomniac games