
she has a whole novel written about her on my fimfiction that you can read but i will warn you- I wrote this in middle school back in I think 2016, and i cringe and laugh multiple times at how atrociously bad it is. what's worse, is that it was for NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month, a project where you write a certain amount of words per day for the month of November and you have a novel by the end. here's the bad part- it was a school assignment. my teacher read this. my irl friend read this. i am so glad this was not a year later because they would have definitely gotten Twizzle and I don't think present me could handle that kind of embarrassment. anyways, its got a ton of horrible plot points, things that make zero sense, genuinely horrible writing decisions, and a plot point that is literally so incredibly messed up and twisted, that I have no clue why I wrote it or thought it was a good way to explain what it was used to explain. ask me if you're curious, but please, for not just my sake but yours, do not bother reading it. it is the worst book i've ever read and I WROTE IT. my writing now is so astronomicslly improved, you might not believe it's the same person, that's what improvement does to you. Heed my warnings, learn from my mistakes, practice your crafts, and do not make something like Project Stardust. please. just don't. it hurts my head to think about because there are so many aspects I despise about it I can't even comprehend it anymore. Do not read this book- I no longer claim it as my own, it was like 8 years ago and I am very much not that person anymore for the better. Don't. Thanks. Don't. -Starry