


5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Mintley

Nicknames? Minty

Gender: female

Age: equivalent of a 40-year old human

Birthday: July 31st

Personality: Oh, Mintley. Her siblings always say she's too curious for her own good, but she doesn't listen, doesn't care, not when there's new things to find. She loves wandering out on her own and finding different kinds of leaves and flowers, loves the feel of tiny blades of grass underneath her paws. She keeps a thick journal full of pressed flowers and all her little ramblings she thinks about in the early hours of the morning, when the rest of the world is asleep. She sees beauty in everything, and adores all the little hidden pieces of the world. There's something very special about the quiet, one that her brother and sister, as nice as they are, don't seem to understand when they find her wandering off.

. Mintley is very in her own head, often goes on little journeys of her own, but surprisingly she's never been lost. She has a very keen sense of direction and a very deep empathy - she's the one who cries when someone else does, and the dragon would gladly to anything to help a friend.

. While very clumsy and very bad at flying, she doesn't let that stop her. Mintley appreciates the journey, no matter how difficult it is, and her optimism encourages Clock and Neo every day.

Born on the dragon island of Twinleaf, the three siblings were isolated from the main continent of the world, as all dragons had been for centuries. This was a simple beginning and the three constantly explored, constantly got into trouble... but every island starts to feel small after a while.

At the age of 20, as soon as Clockwork knew they'd be able to make it out there, the three ran away from everything they knew and made it to a small island just off the mainland, from where they figured they could learn more about the Silvarians before just charging in. The dragons passed down endless rumors of the dangers of others, after all. This was a risky endeavor.

So they started off small. Mintley found a decent cave and with some items that Clockwork conveniently 'found' in a coastline village late at night, they made themselves a home. But one of the items that the dragon had stole caught Clockwork's eye. It was a book of magic spells.

Invisibility spells, ways to teleport, heal, do almost anything - Clock was instantly hooked at the idea of power. He spent weeks pouring over the information but could never figure it out. Neo, on the other hand, got it almost instantly, instinctively. It was a sharp blow to the dragon that always thought of himself as the smartest fellow around, so he dug deeper. He practiced late into the night, tried to sneak into the town some more, steal more books, potion ingredients... until one day, Clockwork got himself caught, and his siblings had no choice but to try and rescue him.

That's when the winged red panda of legend appeared - the ancient time traveler from endless tales - and whisked them all along on a new adventure. But that's a story for another time.