Mùyáng's Comments

Couple questions

If ab- Do you do holds/payment plans?

If yes, What would be the down payment? How fast would you prefer it to be done in?

If no I fully understand <3

I def do holds and plans!! for holds the max time is 10 days and for plans it can be about a month, though i can do exceptions! down payment for this guy would be not less than 35 id say :D 

Then I can absolutely ab! I’d be able to give you the down payment tomorrow and then honestly probably have the rest of your money in probably exactly 2 weeks lol

That sounds good!!! ghjshghioj tysm for the AB 😭😭🫶🫶 whenver ur ready u can send the DP to [email protected] and ill finish up the adopt asap! 

Absolutely no problem! And take you time!! Make sure you are satisfied with the baby boi <3

I’ve sent the down payment <3

got it tysm!! just send the remaining 165 whenever u can :D 

19 Replies

all done!! tysm :D feel free to draw over the art to make any changes if you want to! 

I love him so much! Thank you!

ofc!! :D






can I pay with pennies??? 😞 🙏,🤑

unhinges mouth into coin machine

Do you accept art? :0

no sorry 😭 already got money offers!