Oc trade/sale centre :]



2 months, 16 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


Remaking my sales page again yippee!!! Log in to see all :]


> I am very busy rn so I may not reply right away
> I have DID, I forget very easy so if I don't reply after 2-3 days please ping me again!
> If you are offering ocs PLEASE PLEASE tell me who is off limits, save us both some time
> Do not offer me f2u base customs/base art, I typically do not like them 
(if you are using ur own base please lmk!) 
> My currency is GBP so please convert it tysm!
> I am happy to hold character indefinatly just lmk what's going on /gen
> I can do payment plans for characters over £/$50
> If I reject your offer do not try and guilt me, don't give me any of that "oh okay... i really liked them..." or whatever, it's not going to work and I will block you. I do not like it, it is highly upsetting.

Thanks for reading! :]

Available folders:

✰ Sales folder: https://toyhou.se/Pyrak049/characters/folder:1111301 
 > Will accept most things and low balls for tentative ocs

✰ Ocs folder: https://toyhou.se/Pyrak049/characters/folder:5136133 
> A little more difficult than sales, will still accept lowballs

✰ Ocs but better folder: https://toyhou.se/Pyrak049/characters/folder:5494234 
> I am a lot more picky with these guys, will only consider money/gift cards or trades anything else is add on

✰ Other ocs: [SEE LIST]
> EO ONLY! I am very very tent with these guys, will only consider money/trades anything else is add on, even then I probs won't accept
 Coffe, loutes design, worth £50 - https://toyhou.se/7793982.coffe
 Haku, grimeat design, worth $98 - https://toyhou.se/24905413.haku
 Daze, cloudsleepyy design, worth $115 - 


 Merlin, dilnyan design, worth $200 + trade [SWAPS ONLY] - https://toyhou.se/25563480.merlin 
 Nebula, honeybeest design, worth $348 [SWAPS ONLY] - https://toyhou.se/26178191.nebula
 No face king, rbf_reese design, worth $25 [SWAPS ONLY] - https://toyhou.se/25370792.no-face-king-tbn
 Gumbi, sparklyowlguts design, worth $150 [SPECIES SWAPS ONLY] - https://toyhou.se/3826085.gumbi

 Please pay attention to tags when offering!!

For offers, I will look at:

✰ Money (Paypal, Cashapp is UK only due to retrictions sorry :[, please be sure to covert to GBP)

✰ Gift cards (I'll look at whatever)

✰ Trades (prefs: https://toyhou.se/25046999.design-prefs-3 <3 please check these if you'd like a higher chance of accepting)

✰ Art/customs (Please note: I will not accept just art for a HQ/$200 character, do not even try, it is unfair and I will block you)

✰ Vouchers

✰ Mixed offers 

Please do not offer:

☽  I will not accept virtual currency of any kind

☽  Mailed art/random items (might consider fursuit parts but won't be likely sorry)

☽  If you offer me NFTs I will come to you're house and make you feel unsafe /threat

☽  Bases/recolours/stolen ocs (duh)

☽  3 way trades, I don't really understand them very sorry