could i get a roll?

Yeah of course!! You've rolled 3! Would ya like to keep em or reroll? :>


Righty o! Then I suppose the only other one to roll is 5! Feel free to send the money ($8 for $5 such + $3 reroll) to the PayPal below whenever and I'll make them a profile and transfer them asap! :D

will do!! lemme get that sent over!

my dad sent over the money!

Got it! Character should be sent as well! Tysm! :D

i'd love a roll please!

Hey hey! You've rolled 2! Are ya happy with em or would you wanna swap? If youre happy with em feel free to send the money below whenever, and if not I'll re-roll for ya! :D

keep! and i've sent! tysm!!

I got it, tysm! Scug should be sent as well! :D

I'd love to roll through kofi! (if you have it 🧡)

I do indeed! I'll put the link below! :D

You have (ironically due to your name lol) rolled 6! :>

Yippie!! I've sent over the money :D I'm very happy to have rolled them

Sweet! I got it, tysm!! Scug should be sent as well! :D

Thank you so much!! ^^

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Vik Viktor I am. grabs you by the shoulders. VIKTOR listen to me im SO NORMAL about the slug cats. I am NORMAL

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AWAA HI AGAIN! The scug curse has brought you back I see (/silly)! And YEAH OFC!! You rolled…

4! The radioactive goober! :D

Feel free to send the money to the PayPal below and I’ll send the scug and get to work on the icon asap!

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And I got it, TYSM AGAIN for the fee coverage, it helps a ton!! :D

I’ll get started on the icon asap! :>

holy shit,,, i love these!!

Awa thank you so much! I’m glad! :D


honestly so tempted to roll but i don't want to get in trouble with my mom weh but im keeping my eyes here who knows

Hey it’s no worries! Don’t get yourself in trouble if ya don’t need to! :>


Omg… can I snag #1

Yeah of course, tysm! Shoot the money to the PayPal below and I’ll send the character over momentarily! :D


Got it! Scug should be sent as well!

Tysm! <3