


1 month, 12 days ago


• Anatomy & Physiology
Koizen are quadrupedal fish-like creatures, inspired by koi fish and their sizes vary between pony-sized and horse-sized. They're covered in fish-like scales and have a strong tail fin, a back fin, pelvic fins on their tail, and they also have fins on their arms and legs. There are three different sub-species of Koizen and they are differentiated by their body shape.
• Reproduction & Life Cycle
A female Koizen will lay her eggs in a body of water and a male will fertilize them externally. One clutch of eggs contains 4-6 eggs on average and both parents will stick around to guard the eggs and raise the hatchlings until they hatch. Koizen live in family groups that usually contain 5-15 members and all members of the family will help raise the hatchlings. The young Koizen stay close to their own family group for the first year of their lives, but once they're old enough they'll start playing with hatchlings from other family groups. After 7-8 years they become mature and more independent and might choose to leave their main family group for another. A Koizen lives for about 50 years on average, there are exceptions however and some Koizen live for much longer.

Koizens are a popular creature to breed within Seeker societies and Koizen shows are a popular thing, that is where breeders show off their Koizen with perfect and noteworthy markings.
• Diet & Feeding
Koizen mostly feeds on insects, worms, mollusks, seeds, plant matter, and algae. But they are omnivores and will eat pretty much anything you give them.
• Behavior & Temprament
Koizen are social creatures and also very playful, even as adults. They love playing with others no matter the species, and they get a lot of enjoyment from performing tricks with their Seeker.

Even wild Koizen are very curious about people and as long as they're in a group, they can be quite bold and invasive when inspecting you.
• Trivia
  • This species was created in 2015.