


1 month, 14 days ago


Pronouns: She/her


  • Kit: Waterkit
  • Apprentice: Waterpaw
  • Warrior/Loner: Watersong
  • Deputy: Puddleclaw
Moonlight Clan's first deputy and one of the founders

Formerly a warrior in Peak Clan. While her reputation was much better compared to Gusttuft’s, she felt stuck in the shadows of many of her clanmates, such as her deputy father and her best friend - who she had a crush on - who was considered a clan hero after he survived a dog attack and attacked the dog back. Watersong eventually confessed her feelings to her friend, but the fame of being a 'hero' got over his head and he rejected her, harshly. Following that event, Watersong actually became closer with Gusttuft, who would often cheer her up and remind her of how cool he thinks she is. 

When Gusttuft started hearing Flipbelly and wanted to look for him, she stepped up to join him, worried he would get hurt or worse if he left alone. When they found Flipbelly and got the prophecy, Watersong was confused, but wondered if the healer of their old clan would know something. However, through Star Clan, she found out that her father had died and her former best friend not only was the new deputy, but he also wasn’t happy she ‘abandoned’ the clan to hang out with the weirdo Gusttuft. Angrily, she decided to stick around.

When Moonlight Clan was officially created, Watersong asked Guststar to change her name in honor of her new life, so with her own name suggestions, he renamed her Puddleclaw. She wasn't actually expecting to be chosen as the clan's first deputy, but she embraces the role, keeping her father in mind. While Guststar is more of a jokester, she is more on the caln and serious side and tries her best to keep Moonlight Clan in order.