
5 years, 8 months ago


Name: Ray

Meaning: "Protector" 

Nickname: None

Meaning: N/A

Nickname given by: N/A

Age: 19

Date of Birth: December 10, 1999

Place of Birth: Wyoming

Gender: Male

Race/Species: Human

Language(s): English


Personality: Shy, Jumpy, kind hearted

Eyes: Dark purple

Hair: Olive green

Skin: Tanish?

Typical Clothing: Cozy, lazy

Talents/Skills: Art, cooking (depends)

Favorites/Likes: Gaming, outdoors, animals, his siblings (except when there brats), mother, and 

Most Hated/Dislikes: Father, tight spaces, Math, homework, the pit of death, the sound of crushed plastic

Fears: Losing his siblings and mom, snakes, scrabble, and sweaters

Hobbies/Interests: Art, cooking (sometimes), and researching nature and animals

Sexuality: Straight

Place/Type of Residence: Apartment (Former), His apartment (Now)

Occupation: Student at a university

Family/Friends/Pets/etc: Mom (Alive), Wyn (Sister, alive), Zeke (Brother, alive)

Relationships: N/A

Friend(s): He doesn't have many, but he considers his brother and sister as his best friends