


1 month, 27 days ago



Name Lucky
Gender Male
Rank N/A
Clan N/A ; farm cat
Mentor N/A
Status Personal


Lucky is a cheerful three-legged farm cat who lives on the farm between CaveClan and TideClan territory. He lives a comfortable life, mostly undisturbed by clan cats as they tend not to come too close to the farm on account of the large sheep, cows, and the dog that call the farm home. He enjoys his peaceful days, fed by not only his owner but also the fat mice that attempt to eat the farmer's livestock food. He tends to be a little bit afraid of clan cats, which is ironic given his friendship with his housefolk's sheep herding dog, a black border collie called Cosmo. Raised at the farm with only a dog for company from kittenhood, Lucky has learned to communicate with dogs somewhat, and considers Cosmo an eccentric older brother. Lucky enjoys sitting on the fences, watching Cosmo help the farmer herd the livestock around, and often sleeps curled up to the warm fuzzy dog on cold nights.

When a strange cat calling herself 'Softpaw' shows up at his farm seeking shelter, Lucky is surprised and confused. The name denotes a clan cat from what he's overheard from the edges of the farmland, but this cat smelled nothing like any of the clan scents he had picked up before. When she explained that some awful twoleg had taken her claws out and Softpaw was too nervous to return to her clan, Lucky felt empathetic. He knew what it was like to struggle to navigate new things with a disability, and decided to teach Softpaw some of the applicable tips he had learned throughout his time living life on just three paws. He helps Softpaw learn how to jump higher, bite harder, and move faster to compensate for her lack of claws, and he grows fairly close to her throughout her stay at the farm, glad to have real cat company for the first time in his life.


Lucky is a gray tuxedo cat with hazel, almost brownish eyes and short fur. He was born missing his front right leg, and wears a green break-away collar with a golden heart-shaped charm bearing his name. He has thick, well groomed fur, a round face, and a well-fed build.

code by jiko