Sawyer Von Reywas



2 months, 12 hours ago


Your name is SAWYER VON REYWAS. Your name doesn't actually have VON in it; you just think it makes you sound cooler. Your WRIGGLING DAY was A COUPLE WEEKS AGO, but who really cares, you didn't really notice it passed anyway.

You like to indulge in MANY THINGS; interests, if you will. Some of these interests are wearing things that defy all HUMAN GENDER NORMS, shitty HUMAN FILMS, eating COUGH DROPS, and also, CROCHETING ELDRITCH SORTS OF ABOMINATIONS. Your HIVE is POORLY CONSTRUCTED out of WOOD with numerous HIDDEN ROOMS built in. You can quickly assume you know NOTHING about ARCHITECTURE.

You have a sort of UNCANNY ability to name ANY HUMAN STOCK SOUND EFFECT, Most often find this ANNOYING, and think you're WEIRD, those people just suck and have a TERRIBLE SENSE OF HUMOR which makes you SUPERIOR. Your GIGGLE is notable; many have pointed it out, you find this a good way get people to LIKE you.

Your trolltag is devilishTrickster and ]YOU UZUAlly Talk L!ke Th!z! YOu Zure Zeem G!ddy!![

What will you do?