


1 month, 7 days ago


yes her name is food in gàidhlig aren't I brilliant at naming 

Hunter of the rich to feed the poor (!)

A universe and time-line hopping deity of hunting. Biadh enjoys everything about the hunt - the tracking, the watching, the waiting and the kill. 

She kills AU versions of magical beings to feed the needy - whether that is genuinely starving mortals or forgotten deities in need of a magical boost.
Morally grey I suppose. She kills sentient beings for fun and food, but she does give this food to the needy. But she doesn't necessarily tell them her charity technically counts as cannibalism 🤔

He preferred weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, though she is capable with any ranged weapon.
Up close and personal she struggles with hand to hand combat. Something about the intimacy of this form of combat throws her off. 

Prone to pride and vanity. She loves to show off, to the detriment of the hunt sometimes. Her appearance is rugged and wild, but she maintains this meticulously, and is always stressing about her appearance. Each patch of ruffled fur or stray leaf is intentional. Biadh's reputation is surprisingly precarious and she knows it fine well. 

Has an allyship with Beats, therefore able to enter Paw.