
2 months, 10 days ago


**Biographical Information**

Name: Falere
Nickname: Fal
Birthplace: South Africa
Birthdate: 05/16
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Age: 22
Species: Lioness/Dragonkin Hybrid

**Look Information**

Skin: Tan
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grey, Lemon, Black, Orange
Height: 4'' 9'
Marking: Stripes, Dots, Freckles, Blackouts
Body type: Slim
Natural Scent: Lemon, Orange Blossom
Distinguishing Features: Eyes

**Family Information**

Father: Caius [Dragonkin]
Mother: Thea [Lioness]
Siblings: None
**Relationship Information**

Relationship Status: Taken
Love Interest: Baine Frostpaw
Past Relations: Dane Frostpaw
Offspring: None
**Personality Information**

Personality: Falere is the epitome of vivacity. Her energy is boundless, and her enthusiasm is infectious. She approaches life with a zest that is both inspiring and endearing. Her bubbly nature makes her the life of any gathering, and she’s always ready with a smile and a kind word.


Social gatherings where she can meet new people and make friends. Outdoor activities that allow her to burn off her excess energy, like hiking or cycling. Music and dance, which are perfect outlets for her lively spirit. Comedy movies and shows that match her sense of humor and positivity.


Sitting still for long periods, which can make her feel restless. Negativity or conflict, as she prefers to focus on the positive aspects of life. Boredom, which is her nemesis; she always seeks out new and exciting experiences.


Given her high energy levels, she might have a mild case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which makes it hard for her to focus on tasks that require prolonged attention. She may have a slight phobia of missing out, known as FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), because she loves being involved in everything.