


5 years, 8 months ago


Middle name ‘Llyr, Cassiel’.

Lucerne Llyr Cassiel Cassiopeia (Nickname “Myrrhmur”)

Was found washed up on the shore/beach one day by t b n; half-conscious, he responded to her question of his name something which sounded like Myrrhmur to her since she thought at first that he was a merman (actually supposed to be Lucerne) and this has since been his nickname (“Myrrhmur”).

They became friends very quickly, which turned into something more as they got older- however their love is tragic since he is only allowed on the surface of the sea/shore every half moon or full/new moon (since it strangely alternates every year)*, following the lunar cycle which is connected to the tides of the sea in which he lives. Note: this changes to every crescent moon every three (3) years**.

*about once every two weeks **approximately every week

(The other days be serves Poseidon, god of the sea, as shown by the rope and gold bindings attached to him. Only on those nights, he can take them off and truly be free. And:)

On these nights, at twilight she comes down to the beach and they usually speak + stargaze for a while- sometimes they share stories, or explore the caves/rock pools which is so much more exciting by starlight/moonlight- then curl up together + sleep til the dawn/sunrise. (Usually lying down sideways; his tail curled around her and one front leg over her abdomen; arms around each other at the top.)

(They are both fascinated by the stars/constellations; Lucerne is a symbol of Capricorn and protects her who possesses that star sign.)

Other times when the light is still dim and not yet dark, she sits on him with her arms around his torso, as they ride the waves and he shows her his sea (sometimes dipping under, hinting at the secrets + depths below). After this, they often fall asleep in roughly this position (his tail dipping in the tide, front legs bent and lying down).

Before the first light of dawn/day he must return under the water or he will be burnt by the sun’s rays- his skin is very very sensitive to light and usually even moonlight will scald it (apart from on special nights)~

So she always wakes up to find him gone, but he always leaves a small memoir for her to treasure, such as a rare shell, laurel branch coated in gold leaf (from under Greece), patterned pebble (with inscription), or piece of his new sunken gold jewellery which he collects from the seabed.

One time he’d given her a handmade pearl-and-shell necklace, another he had given her an oddity known as a coconut which he’d found floating atop the waves at late sunset.

They are soulmates.

chizuny look look! ^^