my tos!



1 month, 13 days ago


My terms of service! rules of what is okay and not okay for my art and characters.

DISCLAIMER : Do not under any circumstances harass anyone who is breaking these rules, pls pls pls just dm me and I'll sort it out !!


Allowed :

  1. draw gift art of my characters (SFW). light gore is fine if it relates to their story.

  2. draw my characters interacting w/ yours (platonic).

  3. put my ocs in dreamy folders.

  4. lightly reference any of my artstyles. (it changes a lot)

  5. edit any designs I've sold to you/given you/traded to you to your heart's content but credit me for the og design.

  6. dm me with any questions/concerns of yours.

  7. be respectful and polite when interacting w/ me, especially if I do not know you personally. I am a very emotional
    person and it's just not fun to be yelled at.

  8. kindly ask people who have reuploaded my work to take it down/give credit on my behalf.

  9. use my art as pfps/banners/etc as long as it was made for you. such as a commission or trade.

  10. print my work for personal use if it was made for you.

Not Allowed :

  1. draw NSFW of my characters, most of them are feral animals. it's fucking weird.

  2. criticize my art when it's not warranted.

  3. yell at me or make messages that would sound aggressive w/o tone indicators!!

  4. directly trace or rip off my art and characters.

  5. draw my ocs as anthros/humans or any other animals unless I've stated it's fine on their profile.

  6. roleplay as my characters. they are not your characters and never were.

  7. call my ocs "hot" or "sexy" as I myself am not comfortable w/ either of those terms and again, most of my characters are animals.

  8. ask for free art. just no.

  9. any AI bros/NFT supporters get off my page. you are not welcome here.