Adopt's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Inferno_Abyss Global Rules

Credits of the designs and the images MUST stay on them! If you are grabbing a freebie, do not claim the freebie of your own design. You must have proper credit for them as you did not create them yourself.

If you buy any character, whether it's one of my OC's or an adopt, you can not turn around and sell it for at least 2 weeks. Unless you have added 2+ pieces of art (doesn't matter if it's colored line-art or what), you can not sell it for more than you got it for.

If you grab my original designs and then rework the design, you must still credit me for the original design.

If you are reselling a character, it must be for VIRTUAL currency only! None of these characters should be sold for REAL money!