Nadie Queen



5 years, 9 months ago



Name Nadie Queen
Called Na, Nad
Age 19
Height 160cm
Gender cis female
Sexual preference Bisexual
Species Human, magic girl
Title Paint Phantom


  • Painting, drawing, photography - fine arts in general
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Nadie is normally rather clumsy, and easy to cry. Some would call her a crybaby - and she'd likely agree. She frets about her paintings, her grades, fitting in, the expecations her strict parents has on her. She struggles with low self-esteem, and generally thinks she is not good enough or worthwhile. Even when she accomplishes something great, she tends to brush it under a rug and write it off as no big deal, anyone could have done it. Altogether, she stresses a lot, and gets anxiety as a result.

One night while painting in her studio, she felt a calling, as if a pull on her spirits. Unable to resist, she put down the paint brush and looked around the still-empty studio. She walked out, looked up and down the hallway. Still, she felt... something. Something she couldn't quite explain. Shuddering, she returned to her painting, fully intending on finishing it. She had a deadline, after all! Still, she could not shake the feeling that she was not alone. The shadows seemed to move, whispers filled the room. As she turned, she saw it clearly: a shape of black was lunging at her! She scattered away, barely avoiding the creature, and ran around the room trying to avoid it while accidentally knocking things over - until her feet got tangled in themselves and she fell over. With nothing to defend herself as the shadow crept closer, a surge of bravery she had not felt before entered her and she grabbed the only thing within reach - a paint brush. The determination she felt in that moment filled her with power, with confidence, and the brush started glowing. From it pain the colours of the rainbow oozed, and she found she could paint with it. The shadow creature shied away from the paint, screeching in pain when it hit her. After a struggle, she managed to capture the shadow creature in the canvas she had been working on. In shock, she stared at the completed panting, the contrasting colours, shades, shapes and light bringing new tears to her eyes. From the battle, a gorgeous artwork had been created.

This was her calling. Fighting shadow creatures that lurked around in the city, possessing artists, artworks, and even paint. In her new magical form, she had to break into museums and other places in order to follow trails of shadow in order to banish them. None but her seemed to notice the shadow creatures, or notice how they seemed to leech people of love, joy and inspiration as well as change their personalities drastically.The way for her to trap them, was to use the paintbrush and trap them in canvases, creating beautiful artworks out of them - some of which she was able to use for school, some of which she had to destroy as the raging shadow within was not pacified.


The artwork she created from her first battle received an A+ from her teacher, and it was the first artwork that truly left her satisfied

She attends college as an art student, and spends a lot of her time in the studio she rents.

Nadie feels conflicted about her magic vigilante work, as she worries whether it is her being possessed by something or if it is just unleashing who she truly is.

Paint Phantom encounters several other magic girls, and tends to befriend them - even if the general public doesn't always view Paint Phantom as favourably as other magic girls who have caught the general population's attention.

She is really shy with making friends, but has become close friends with Jaina who is a few years older - and has a slight crush on her.

Her birthday is the 10th of September.

Her favourite anime is Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, which she finds to be somewhat ironic.

Nadie has a very varied taste in music - for her it depends on her mood and what she is currently up to/about to do.


Piece of Love
Major Lazer & DJ Snake - Lean On
Niklas Strömstedt - Om
Rupaul - Glamazon
Sonata Arctica - Sing in Silence
Nik Kershaw - The Riddle


Jaina Rosenquist

A really close friend a few years her senior, who attends a different college. The two are shy so it took a while for them to open up, but they found they are on the same wavelength and share some life experiences from their early lives. They know of each other's magic girl lives. Nadie has a crush on Jaina.

Character Name

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Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.
