


2 months, 9 days ago


Adaria are essentially sapient plants. They evolved from a group of plants that never lost their sentience when they first evolved.  There are three distinct variations of the species, the Adaria-Detrium, the Adaria-Kehahm, and the Adaria-Oneadi. 

These are traits that all three have in common. 

  • Their limbs tend to have more bends and joints then conventional animals
  • Things like fingers and toes can be either jointed or tentacle-like
  • Digits don't have claws with the exception of some Oneadi
  • Mouths commonly go down the whole neck, though this isn't universal
  • Mouths frequently split into three or more jaw parts, think something like a Demogorgon
  • Eyes are almost never a single pair, it's generally at least two pairs
  • Tongues are present in some individuals
  • Bioluminescence is rare, but possible
  • No nostrils, they don't breathe nor have a sense of smell
  • Can have simple eye marks
Traits exclusive to Adaria-Detrium
  • Generally have the rough body structure of various Earth theropods and birds
  • Always have at least four arms and only two legs, though smaller limbs are possible
  • Are completely toothless, though beaks with the look and texture of wood are not uncommon
  • Can have hair; hair in this instance is grasslike and generally short
  • Eyes are one solid color, no pupils
Traits exclusive to Adaria-Kehahm
  • Mostly serpentine
  • Have lots of vines sprouting erratically from the body
  • Lack true eyes, instead having simple photoreceptors; they could also be completely eyeless
  • Never have jointed limbs
  • Can have teeth

Traits exclusive to Adaria-Oneadi

  • Instead of legs, they have a mass of vines, and they walk with their arms
  • Always have thorns to some degree
  • Can have petals
  • Always have teeth
  • Always have eyes with pupils, pupil shapes vary