Ainslie Cooper



2 months, 3 days ago


{ Ainslie Cooper AKA Moonlight The Clown } HE/THEY | 23

**PERSONALITY** - Sarcastic, Witty, Abrasive, Emotional, Impulsive, Dramatic for the audience (thinks there's an audience at all times due to trauma)

**HEIGHT** - 5'6"

**SEXUALITY** - pansexual

** POWERS** - Night vision (relies on concentration)

Stretchy Body: Ainslie can stretch his entire body and contort it into any shape he desires. This makes him immune to piercing damage like bullets but highly weak to slashing damage

**FIGHTING STYLE** - Whimsical, Acrobatic, Lots of Parrying/Blocking


NIGHT NIGHT - an ability where Ainslie turns his hands into a giant hammer and slams down on his enemies

IT'LL TAKE MORE THAN THAT, BUDDY - Due to Ainslie's abilities, Ainslie is able to tank a lot of damage before coming winded (unless it is slashing damage)

OVERALL FIGHTING -  Ainslie will use his ability to highten his features, aka enlarging his limbs to do extra damage.

**LIKES** - Night time, alone time, people who can match his sarcastic energy, circuses, animals (especially furry ones), sweets

**DISLIKES** - Kids, Older people, strangers, being bossed around, boredom (always needs to keep self busy)


Ainslie was born and raised in a circus by the ring leader, Creed Curio, who is an infamous gang leader. Ainslie discovered his abilities at the age of 5 and Curio used this as entertainment. Curio was a very abusive "father", pushing Ainslie to his limits with little to no praise. Ainslie grew paranoid because of his father, and with manipulation in play, Ainslie grew to believe he always had an audience to attend to. Ainslie grew to talk to himself and always keep himself on his toes, ready to perform at the drop of a hat. When Ainslie was 15 years old, he discovered he was trans. When Curio found out, Curio was disgusted and kicked Ainslie out of the circus. Ainslie lived the rest of his teens on the streets until he was able to get a job to afford a small apartment in the city. Ainslie used his abilities to make money for himself, only taking jobs if it meant he could pay rent or buy himself dinner for the night. Ainslie keeps very close to himself and does not let anyone else in. That is, until he met some other heroes....