


1 month, 13 days ago


Pronouns: He/him


  • Loner: Thorn
  • Warrior: Thornleaf
A warrior in Moonlight Clan and one of the founders

Born as a loner, he lived contently with his family until, when he was apprentice aged, he got lost. He continued to look for his family, but in some point he got hurt while trying to hunt. While trying to take care of his wound, he met a travelling healer named Siltburr. Said healer took care of him and ended up 'adopting' him as a little brother. 

Thorn began to travel with Siltburr, at first hoping to find his family, but after moons and him becoming an adult, he ended giving up and just following Siltburr around, helping her with whatever she needed. After travelling for many moons, they found a cave where two other cats lived. Once they decided to stay in this newly formed clan, Thorn was renamed Thornleaf as he became a warrior for Moonlight Clan. 

While very smart, Thornleaf is a goofball who is often driven by his impulsive nature and his love for adventures. Through Siltburr, he learned a lot about herbs and sometimes joins her in patrols to look for herbs.