Booth and Lee



2 months, 16 days ago


2nd Gen clones of Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth.

Lee knows his clone father was a POS so he hasn’t attempted to do anything with his life, everyone thinks he’s a weird, shlubby kid so why bother trying to be something else? He’s brash, obnoxious and isn’t one for good first impressions, not that he cares. 

Booth has completely ignored the… larger part of his clone father and has entirely leaned into the fact John Wilkes Booth was a beloved, handsome performer and actor. Booth has been performing since he was a kid and has made quite the name for himself around town; he’s charming, sweet and has such a way with words. Unfortunately the pressure of being perfect all the time has gotten to him in the past few years and he’s starting to crack, not that he would let anyone know about that.

It’s a miracle these two found and actually fell for each other. Booth doesn’t feel the need to put on such a high brow act in front of Lee and Lee likes that Booth sees something more in him than just being The Weird kid.