

2 months, 16 days ago



Commissions TOS

  • I have the right to decline any commission, if you ask why i will try to answer but if it's for personal reasons there is a likeliness I'd rather keep the reason to myself!
  • Depending on the payment form, I usually send you the sketch for approval (this is the stage you can request changes), then finish it with WIPS. After I've finished it I will ask you for the payment and then I'll send the complete drawing. (if there's any questions about this, just lmk! Again, it depends on the form of payment, and on what the customer is comfortable with).
  • Please do not ask for discounts! You might see me giving certain people discounts from time to time and but please do not force me to give you a discount. I usually stick giving discounts to people that have commissioned me before and friends, or for other personal reasons. Depending on the payment method however I might be willing to negotiate a bit, don't be afraid to ask! (I'm usually very willing to down my prices for nitro so!!)
  • If you have a specific deadline, please let me know. I will try my hardest to get your commissioned piece to you before the deadline you've given me. Please keep in mind however that I'm a pretty busy High School student who also has other things to do, but I will update you as often as I can/when requested! You're always free to ask about my progress
  • I currently have no way of giving refunds, so paid is paid and I have no way of refunding you if you need to back out! This is also why I prefer finishing a commission before asking payment to ensure I am able to finish it.

General art TOS

  • Do not use my art for anything hateful, towards any group of people.
  • I'm okay with you adding my art as added value to a character, but keep in mind that this also depends on the designers TOS, unless it is gift art, so commissioned art, art trades, and owed art, you can add all those things to the value except gift art! Please do not make my art worth more/less than it is stated on my commissions sheet. If I've drawn anything for you that is not on my commission sheet, ask me for the value of the art :)!
  • Do not use my bases (I currently don't have any, but I am planning to make some in the future) to gain money! You are allowed to color it in as your own character/for someone else, but this does not count as added value! You are allowed to make designs on my bases (obviously) and sell those, but please make sure to credit me and never remove my watermarks!
  • I'm okay with inspiration on my art! Just please don't go over the top and steal my entire artstyle. I know my art style is not the most unique, but it still sucks to see someone take your entire style!

Design TOS

  • Feel free to change my designs as much as you want as long as you credit me for the original design!! Keep in mind that changing a design of mine does not add to their worth whatsoever
  • If you are blacklisted/get blacklisted, I'm free to request that if you have a design of mine, that you resell/retrade it or give it back to me. I don't blacklist quickly though, so don't worry too much about this, but keep in mind that if I do blacklist you I have the right to request you get rid of a design you have of mine one way or another
  • I'm okay with people co-owning my designs!! If I know you as a friend, you can co-own with as many people as you want. If i don't know you, please keep the amount of people co-owning to a maximum of 2
  • Pls do not resell my characters for more than they're worth/than you bought them for!! If you got a character from me for art, this character is not worth anything yet!! I do allow you to add art you get from others (anything other than giftart, giftart is not allowed to add to the worth) of this character, for your own adopts, or trades, to add to the worth of this character. Do not up the worth more than the art is though!!! Also keep in mind this also has to do with the artist TOS, so make sure they're also okay with you adding that as worth :]
  • Please don't put my designs/characters on private, and if you do, make sure to authorise me/add me to a list to make sure i can see the designs!! I want to keep track of my characters and designs
  • please ask if it's okay to gift/retrade a character before you do so!! Same reason as above, this helps me keep track of my designs and know who they belong to


  • Huntresslilly - this person is not allowed to own any of my designs, and I am uncomfortable interacting with them

FREE designs may not be sold or traded unless art has been added. You're free to gift the character back to me/any one else though!!

Designs obtained via TRADES may not be resold but can be traded, unless art has been added.

Designs obtained via SALES may not be sold for more than their base value + art (any art except giftart counts!) value.