Hi?! Hello I love this concept !!
I’ve been trying to get some motivation to do more art and I’d love to create this species as a semi-open? Possibly closed thing in a world after humans have kinda left or died off? The machinery in the world is forced to adapt and these fellas are created? Their sensors help a lot because the terrain of earth is full of rubble and fallen buildings that constantly have creatures, items, dangerous objects etc! The flight also helps so they can sleep in higher areas/fly away from danger !! I’d fs try to give these fellas so much lore and stuff !! i also love creature designs and I’d love create them a bunch of other robotic pets and stuff for the world :3

Oh my goodness they’re so silly! I’d love to add them to my arpg world I’m currently developing <3 they’ll have a discord and th world! It’s currently got 2 species and a bunch of lore! I’m active working on a Google sites info site, currency rates, and bots for the discord!


they're soso cute!! i don't have the time to run a species sadly, but is it ok to ask for a ping in advance / from the future owner if/when it becomes a thing? i'd love to make one or two!