
TBNpr / ns

a funny lil feller, it/its. some species of Clown™

kindof Mimikkyu-coded: just wants to be liked ... but don't piss it off.

really protective of its ratty lil cloak. The number of legs that poke out of the bottom hem don't seem to be consistent in number or even length. if one were to look up into the cloak, the legs would seem to disappear into an infinitely distant black void.

its mask is fixed in a cheerful grin, but sometimes it will display other expressions - this movement is usually accompanied by a strained creaking sound. other than this creaking sound, and the pitterpatter of its funny little feet, it doesn't make much noise.

adopted 20240415 with the following flavor text:

more legs more fun

more legs more fun

more legs more fun

more legs more fun

more legs more fun

more legs more fun

more legs more fun

more legs more fun