


1 month, 22 days ago


It is an unusual species of rat that has been twinned with hamsters. Their tails are essentially stretchy pouches in which they collect various rubbish. As they get older, they collect more and more little things inside their tails, but for a reason. Their tail can literally set off a small explosion by scattering around what was inside. This can be glass shards, small stones, berry or animal bones, petals and so on, both extremely dangerous and cute. Filling the tail anew is quite difficult, so these creatures usually warn the enemy about what they are going to do, trying to scare. Their facial tendrils resemble little wicks that begin to sparkle and shrink. The closer to the muzzle, the sooner BOOM happens.
Starting bid: $30
Minimum Increments: $2 or more
🌿 Autobuy: $90 🌿
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End of auction - 3 days after last bid
Serious bidders only, please! No fakebids, no holds: don't bid if you cannot afford or pay when the auction ends.
Payment must be done within 3-4 days. If not, I'll open auction again.
The winner will receive a main file and file with a transparent background.
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