
1 month, 29 days ago


Kintsugi- Meowth+Gal.Meowth/Fusion+Shiny+Variant+Gem/RoseliClan - Mediator
She/Her | Female | Straight

An older, opportunistic Meowth with a rough exterior and energetic sass. She joined the RoseliClan for a safer place to call home, since they seem to welcome rogues and non-clan born 'mon more readily. Kintsugi is patient - making her always willing to play "the long game" - quick-witted, runs a silver-tongue, which makes her a great at negotiator between other clans. That said, she won't be tricked into accepting a bad deal. Kintsugi is a bit blunt, but very resourceful. She won't let ANYTHING go to waste on her watch. She is big on the saying, "one 'mons trash is another 'mons treasure," and will find a use for pretty much anything she can get her paws on. She is sometimes viewed as a bit of a pack-rat, but anything she stores is polished and repaired. At least it's clean clutter.