


1 month, 29 days ago


Asteria is a wyvern known for her agility and speed in the air. She can control her tail fins - moving, flaring, or even collapsing them to help her make sharp turns and dives. Asteria. while she can be calm near her rider, is an aggressive dragon. When threatened (or threatening others) she will flare her head frills and make an angry hissing noise, kind of like a snake.

Asteria is known for her skill in battling, and sometimes hunting, other dragons (the 4-legged kind), using her lighter weight and agile nature against them. Her unique talons (with her inner talon able to swing backwards a lot like a human thumb) are perfect for latching onto them as she attacks them with teeth and flame. Asteria breathes and ice-blue fire that actually burns cold. seemingly good at damaging scales of other dragons.


-    Color: Iridescent Black wyvern – when the light hits her, it takes on an ice-blue iridescence. Eyes are ice blue.

-    Fire: Ice blue. When she breathes fire, her chest and lower neck take on an ice-blue glow under her scales.

-    Body: Asteria is a slender and lithe dragon, known for her speed and agility.

-    Head: She has one pair of large horns, and a pair of head frills (4 "fingers" on the frill membrane) that she will flare when breathing fire or threatening others. Otherwise, they lie flat against her head/neck.  She has small spines that run along the top sides of her head to her horns. some other small spines around her cheek bone area. Head is similar to Drogon from GOT, but more slender. 

-      Neck: One large row of larger spines/frills that goes down the top-center of her neck and another smaller frill along the mid-top of the neck on each side. Neck is in between the length of Caraxes and Drogon from Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon.

-     Feet: She has four toes/talons on each back foot. The toe closest to her body acts kind of like a human thumb that it can be twisted behind her. 

-     Tail: Has spines running down the top of her tail (like in reference photos)

-    Tail Fins: Her tail fins are moveable/flexible. She can control them to help her make sharp turns and dives while flying. She can even collapse them, so they lie flat/folded up against her tail.

-    Wings: Large wings with two wing claws/fingers. 5 wing membrane "fingers".