
2 months, 5 days ago

Basic Info


She is based off of a randomized flight rising dragon! I do not claim any art from the site!


Nokori species by lordsalissoon

Name: Lucy Trisha [last name tbd]

Nicknames: Clover, Lucky

Age: 37

Gender: Female - She|Her  They|Them

Sexuality: Pan - Poly

Relationship: Ship planned!

Power: Lucky Clover- She herself is lucky. Using mana, she can give that luck instead to others. The more mana the luckier. However, when she gives the luck to others instead she grows unlucky.
Her luck isn't anything insane. She can still stumble and fall. But it gives her a small boost. Her shots almost always hit, with her luck being added to her already above average skills with a gun, and its a 50/50 chance that she will be luckier in other things. Such as finding something or getting hit.
Another example is. she may have something sharp hit her, meant to kill, and she will get hit! but instead of it hitting her heart,  somewhere dangerous, or killing her, it may enter her shoulder, severely wounds her or just misses [depends on the probability of her avoiding or doing whatever the luck is being added to]. She would/may still get hurt. But she has a better chance to get out of things then others. If you need to send someone in somewhere that has a possibility to be dangerous. send her in first. she will do so with her head held high.
Everything she does has a chance of going lucky. But this means that when she uses mana to give luck to others instead. Her bad luck makes things extremely dangerous for her.

Physical ability: 4 leaf clovers continue to grow on her and her hair grows fast.

Before becoming a Nokori she was a police officer in a place towards the south in the us. she had been relocated to where she lives now right before being taken and having been experimented on.
after becoming a Nokori she still works on the police/law side of things. She takes pride stopping those in the wrong and protecting others. When on job she clips two-gun holsters to her belt. she carries double pistols, her power making her a 'lucky' shot.
Without the power -though she had training before- her bad luck makes it dangerous for her to even attempt shooting. which can get to her sometimes.
She likes working with people, especially people that work well with her.

Lucy is from the county, sporting a southern accent. It gets thicker with certain emotions.
Her hair is wild and thick and is difficult to keep in order. If she is able, she will tie it up. It grows too fast to keep short. No matter how often she cuts it. She cuts it from time to time still.
She can hold grudges for a longgg while.
Can be competitive

Likes: Succeeding/winning, sweet tea and beef jerky,
Dislikes: Failing,


Design notes:
Can have more or less clovers.
Vine markings near most clovers and circling her neck.
Clover markings on hat and boots.
Nails are painted.