


1 month, 8 days ago


♥Basic info

Age: 500+

Height: 5’9

Species: Goop-like entity 

Abilities: Shapeshifting and immortality

Pronouns: They/Them

Gender: Nonbinary, for the sake of simplicity

Sexuality: Bisexual

Friends: Wisteria

Family: None

Enemies: Rivaca & Patches

Personality: Flirty and egotistical

Likes: Control, cooking, sewing, collecting antiques and being worshiped

Dislikes: Boredom, being ignored and the idea of death

Strengths: Can’t be injured through normal means

Weaknesses: Salt (think slug) & mockery

♥Physical information

Welles’ body is made up of a black putty-like substance. This substance is toxic when ingested (not fatal, but could still make you sick), and salt will eat away at the surface if Welles comes into contact with it. Welles is able to manipulate this substance at will, changing their form. They are unable to change the color of their body or the shape of their irises. Welles has no organs, and is simply a soul controlling a slime. This means they don’t require food or drink, or really anything else a human needs. 


Welles used to be a human by the name of 'Raven Thea Coxy'. Raven grew up with an odd interest in death, questioning its purpose and oddly fascinated when an animal died. Raven eventually came to the conclusion that death is unnecessary, and focused their interests on immortality. They went to a college focused on the arcane, and learned everything they could on the subject. Of course, immortality was seen as something no human should have, and thus a very taboo subject, so they weren't directly taught about it. But once Raven graduated, they spent years developing their perfect device for immortality. Once they believed they perfected it, they tried it on themselves without any prior testing, ending in a fatal accident. Rivaca, the God of souls (A.K.A the God of death) appeared before them, offended by their attempt at immortality. So, Rivaca cursed them to live forever, their soul inhabiting a goop-like form. 

For a while after this incident, Welles hid themself away, fearing that they were too terrible to even look at. Soon they started to accept their form, and change their body into whatever they wanted it to be. Once they gained confidence they began to accumulate something of a cult, telling people that they "survived death" and giving them "steps to immortality". Delusional with power, Welles actually started to believe they were some sort of god among humans. Stories of their past became twisted, framing them as more grand then they really were. 

But soon, their place was discovered and they were shut down, leaving them alone on a throne of gold. They have lost everything they had, and they see no way of getting it back.

♥Assorted information

  • Welles hates the beach because sand gets stuck in their goop and the salt in the water hurts them
  • Welles can’t drive and doesn’t care to learn
  • They always weigh 70 pounds, but can become more or less dense when they change forms
  • Welles is fascinated by guns (especially revolvers), and owns a couple
  • Welles will not wear anything that's not black, white, gold or purple
  • likewise, they also won't wear any thick clothes
  • They have centuries worth of useless knowledge ready to talk about at any time