


2 months, 2 days ago

Basic Info




specie : demon/hedgehog

age : 25 (biologically)

height/weight : 167cm, 62kg

male, pansexual


-Died of a motorcycle accident

-He's self-conscious about his height and wears platform boots to compensate and give him confidence

-Tends to show apathy towards most things, including people. He rarely gets emotionally invested in anything

•This causes him to come across as aloof and detached


-A huge fan of shoegaze and heavy music. He plays the guitar and sometimes meets up with Denver to play

-Has a penchant for smoking, often lighting up ten cigarettes a day

•He finds comfort in this, and smells like cold tobacco most of the time

-Enjoys urbex and wandering through abandoned buildings, graveyards, or desolate landscapes

-He likes reading anti-hero comics. He's fond of the Deadpool trilogy

-His favorite animal is the scorpion, he even keeps a bunch as pets and enjoys showing them off

-He hates wearing shirts, finding them restrictive and unnecessary. He prefers wandering around topless, regardless of the setting


-Often goes on late night strolls in the city, where he does tags on private properties and such

-He sucks at cooking, so he only orders junk food 

•His most-liked food are hot wings, with which he often drinks beer

-He's a collector of vintage items. His favorite lighter is from the mid 50's