Basic Info


Blu the Leviathan

Beast of the Seas ⋆ Created by Aqueidius

*Whale Noises*


Aqueidius created Blu because he wanted to show off his abilities to the other gods, and to have a pet around to play with.


Blu is loyal and caring, though mostly coldhearted and silent to humanity and mortal life. He doesn't care much for being aggressive, but will do what he needs if he's in danger.

Design notes:

His original design featured two different shades of blue for the left and right sides of his body, when drawing him please use only the right side. I have waay too many two-sided color characters, it's nothing against the original design, just that I use that trope too much!


Theme  WIP
Voice  WIP



Aqueidius is his creator, he loves and misses him. Blu wishes Aqueidius was still alive.


Adoptive master. Blu doesn't like him as much as he liked Aqueidius, but is mostly ok with him.


Adoptive master. Blu doesn't like him as much as he liked Aqueidius, but is mostly ok with him.