
5 months, 6 days ago


Nokori species by lordsalissoon

Name: Dolly

Nicknames: Boo

Age: 6

Gender: N/a - Any pronouns

Sexuality: They don't know


Power: Going Ghost [XD] - Using mana, Dolly can move through walls. Going slightly transparent like a ghost to do so. Can only do it for short amounts of time [so cant stay transparent for a long time to hide or anything. only to get away] , but uses it often to hide or get away from people or loud noises. Thick walls like brick are harder to get through at the moment, so they may have to use more mana in their struggle to get through them. Metal may be impossible. They are still slightly see-able when they are transparent.

Physical ability: Sensitive hearing- They have sensitive hearing and tend to avoid loud noises or sounds. It will cause them to cry.

About: Boo was one of the more recent Nokori to be made, found in a lab by the agency along with many other children. Boo isn't very trusting of people and rarely speaks, when they do its quietly and on to people, they find comfort in or care for. When they do trust someone and see them as a comfort, they will usually follow them around quietly, wanting to be near them or run to them for help/comfort.
They have super sensitive hearing to the point that loud noises hurt. So, they tend to run away from them or burst out crying.
They are nervous and shy, so they also hate crowds and meeting many new people they don't know. Its overstimulating.
They cry easily and tend to keep to themselves when there is too much going on.
They are also claustrophobic and hate small spaces or being trapped.

Likes: quieter places, having the people they care for nearby,
Dislikes: Loud noises, crowds, overstimulation situations, having his trust broken, being trapped


Was adopted! will add later!

Design notes: