Tibetan Mastiff



1 month, 22 days ago


WIP! I just needed to get her out of my head while i had the idea, but its 3:30 am and i need to sleep so her design will be finished later!

Tibetan Mastiff

Name tbd - she/her


- Very quiet and stoic

- level headed

- very monotone

- excellent in high stress situations

SES Worker; specifically works a lot in search and rescue, victim recovery and evacuations.

Her large size and strength makes it easy to navigate difficult terrain and carry/expose victims. Children especially love her, as she is very gentle and looks like, in their words, either a lion or a big teddy bear. Her massive size allows her to carry kids on her back, something they find very exciting and helps her greatly when she needs to recover a child who has been seperated from their guardians or that is in a stressful situation.

Usually has a vest she wears when working, and will almost always be in dog form when working. 


dog colours ^^^