Mika Agonston



5 years, 8 months ago


Mika Agonston

(Villain name: Onyx)

Age: 20

Height: 6’1

Weight: 198 lbs

Birthdate: June 21st

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Quirk: Obsiditin

All of his keratin is instead made of an obsidian like material, and he is able to manipulate his keratin to either grow longer, shorter, or take a whole new shape, such as his nails, teeth and hair.

However his keratin is a lot more sensitive to damage, and if he severely damages his nails, teeth or hair, he will no longer be able to manipulate them, his keratin can be salvaged by starting over, such as cutting out the damaged nail or shaving off his hair (his teeth can’t be salvaged this way though, since they don’t grow back), but he doesn’t really wanna bother with this, if he damages his keratin he’s probably just gonna keep it that way.

Personality: Mika is utterly addicted to attention, wether it be good or bad, he doesn’t really care, and he’ll go to any lengths just to get what he wants, he’s extremely one track minded and doesn’t seem understand the idea of consequences, and will just do and say things willy nilly, often making stupid comments that make no sense to anyone but him, and just make the most nonsensical jokes, not really caring what happens to him.

He’s loud as all shit and has a reputation of screaming seemingly nonsense whenever he’s on live television, even if the story has nothing to do with him. He’s quite flirtatious, and often uses this as a way to get close to people and getting them to trust him before stabbing their ass, in more ways than one let’s be honest.

Motivation/Bio: Both Mika’s parents were heroes, so they weren’t around much and ended up neglecting Mika for pretty much his whole childhood, he had a lot of anguish built up inside and would take this out on other kids at his school, especially the ones who would avidity talk up heroes, he would sharpen his nails into knives and jab at other kids, his teachers told his parents about this, and they tried to set it straight but they didn’t really have the time to sit and talk it out with Mika, at least not thoroughly, so in the end Mika received pretty much no repercussions, and it got him the attention he wanted, so why not continue to do this?


  • Close combat, very close combat ;0 such as stabbing you in the chest with his pinky nail
  • He’s very agile and can escape the scene of his crimes quickly
  • Comes off as chill and charismatic and can get people to trust him easily


  • Sucks actual dick at range attacks, he can’t make his nails that long, and honestly can’t come up with any new attacks besides *stabs you in the chest OwO*
  • Really doesn’t care what happens to him and will make no effort to defend himself
  • Can’t keep his fucking mouth shut and will leave himself wide open, both emotionally and physically


  • Bleaches his hair in hopes of becoming less recognisable, and he doesn’t like the black his keratin creates anyway, however it doesn’t hold dye that well, and he will more often than not burn his hair off just trying to get it to take on some kind of colour
  • Covered in scars from his stupid ass scratching himself with his nails
  • Wears a mask that can protect his face from his toothers or nails, and to ensure he won’t be recognised by face at least- and can truly allow him to take on the identity of Onyx
  • Sometimes will call the police himself after fucking someone up, just so he’s sure he’ll get the attention he wants, he’ll usually carry around a voice changer in his pocket to use whenever he makes these calls, and just for fun tbh
  • Originally from Hungary but ran away from home when he was 17, he’s been travelling the world and hiding his identity behind the alias Onyx and doing villain shit
  • Is passed out in bars more often than not