


1 month, 28 days ago


Roachi is just a lil computer bug, scuttling around this way and that! He can squeeze under any crack, and finds himself getting into trouble when he decides to explore other peoples houses.
Thankfully, for him, he's REALLY hard to kill.
He's been kicked around but usually he ends up scuttling away down the sewers to pop up somewhere else and wiggle his antennas.

Being a pure computer bug, people find him repulsive even though he is highly social. Usually only other spams tolerate him. He LOVES to chatter, and will try to make friends with chefs so he can get handed left overs. Or take a job to clean tables by secretly eating all the scraps left.
He's really doing his best out there!

The virus form is brought on by fear. Usually it's hard to phase Roachi, but when you do, he turns into a giant acid spewing roach that can fly around. His legs become sword like and he will stab and kick, but mostly be focused on running away. Even at his giant size, he can squeeze through tiny holes. Or make new holes with the acid.

He's notorious amongst Ad Blocks because they can never seem to catch the guy...