Mavis (Amabilis)



5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Amabilis

Gender: Male

Species: Raptor (Hawk bird-inspired)

Height: 7ft tall on all fours 

Age: 428 years 

Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic 

Personality: Smart, Witty, Confident, Clever, Logical, Loyal, Protective, 


Being mostly left alone

Home-cooked food 

Eating Fish 



Collecting old big books for his library 




Deep conversations 



Being talked over 

Dealing with unintelligent people 

Having to explain a "simple" concept over and over 

Being interrupted during his studies/work 

Anyone touching his books

Being asked if someone can get on his back (besides Mavis and anyone she gives permission to) 

Being called a pet

Being undervalued as just an animal instead of the intelligent creature he is 


Able to change his size (from 7ft steed to tiny puppy sized; that can be held in your arms) 

The blue markings can glow and he can change the color (also often seen as a purple and even a green) 

Can somewhat fly (not very high at least, like no cloud touching on his own)

Runs very very fast 

Can jump very high 

Able to speak a multitude of languages 

Very fast learner and quick thinker 

Powerful ally in battle, is very strong 

Talons and beak are very sharp and deadly 

Able to swim well and pretty fast 

Can breathe underwater with magic 

Has night vision 

Very excellent hearing and sight 

Amabilis is an extremely smart Scientist/Alchemist/Wizard or Magician (however you call it). He is Mavis's Loyal companion and dear friend, he allows her to ride him like a horse, her steed if you will. He cares for her deeply and loves to be around her and her partner Illusie. He enjoys discussing his work and showing off his abilities and intelligence. He is often lost in reading a big book, often needs to be calmed down because others misunderstand his relationship with Mavis and call him her pet, Mavis has to explain he is her companion by choice, not any sort of force and that he is extremely intelligent and can talk. He enjoys exploring and going through woods when he is alone, inspecting the nature around him. He enjoys picking apart anything he is allowed to until he can understand how in functions and put it back together.