Jason Woodhull (WIP)



5 years, 9 months ago



【 Name 】Jason Dieter Woodhull
【 Called 】Uncle Jason (Sam W.)
【 Age 】Mid 20's (25-27)
【 D.o.B. 】March 14th, 1927
【 Gender 】Male【 Orientation 】Homosexual
【 Height 】5'6【 Build 】Short and Petite
【 Origin 】Munich, Germany【 Ethnicity 】German/American
【 Role 】Brother, Uncle, Soldier,         j Henchman【 Alignment 】Marie L'Angelle, Nazi   Party (Sort of, he's just stuck there)
【 Status 】Resurrected
【 Theme 】Symon - I Never Doo o o i Andreas Moss - Deep Down Below 

Bio in progress - Coming either tomorrow or this weekend. 

Meet Jason Dieter Woodhull!! 

Jason is the younger brother of Sören Woodhull and the great-uncle of Samantha Woodhull. He is mainly just referred to as "Uncle Jason" by his great nieces and nephews (Sam, Jesse, etc.). 

Furthermore, he is a former Nazi (He didn't really believe in their morals, was just being told what to do and was dragged into a bad situation. He's actually a Jew, which he obviously had to keep on the down-low at all times!), he was a private and also one of Hitler's personal staff. He was killed during his mid 20's about age 25-17 in a bombing, April 30th, 1945. After being killed during WII and being sent to Hell because of other people, over time, he grew a large distaste for his master and sister-in-law, Marie L'Angelle, an even greater hate for the Nazi's (Hitler and Mussolini especially) and just people as a whole and lost his joyful aura that he had always had. Despite his lost light, there is still one person he holds in his heart, his lover, Theodore Charles (More commonly known as "T.C."). T.C. is also a henchman to Marie L'Angelle. In modern times, he was resurrected 

Prior to the Second World War, Jason was a happy, lighthearted person, even as one of "Ms. Marie's" henchmen. 

After his resurrection and return to Angelville, he found that his home, his family and his lover were all dead, killed and/or committed suicide by his nephew, Jesse Custer. Jason, too was leaning towards the idea of burning along with everything else however, Jesse convinced him other wise stating and   encouraging him that they'll "find him another man". Jason defeatedly climbed into the passenger's seat of the truck and decided to live on. However, when Jesse changed his mind and decided to kill his grandma, Jason disobeyed Jesse's orders of staying in the truck and also went into the L'Angelle home, however not to kill Gran'ma but to make a call. He went into(The L'Angelle's have a direct phone line to Hell...I know right...)

After he got T.C. back, Jason brought up the idea of getting married

He reluctantly was forced to go back to his former

Unlike much of his family, who were born in the 18th century, he was born March 14th, 1927. Even though he wasn't born during the period, Jason often wears the 1700's attire.

Physical Appearance:

Jason has striking icy blue eyes and light blond hair. He also frequently wears heavy, black eyeliner under and around his eyes.

Additional information:

During the war, he, his brother (Soren Woodhull), his great-niece (Samantha Woodhull), and fellow henchmen (Jody and T.C.) were arrested for Nazi charges in the United States.


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