



A mysterious loner born with 2 tails.

He's a pretty grumpy guy, no one can get his real name out of him (if he even has one) so the clans have dubbed him 'Sedgehop' after the hop sedge he wears behind his ears. He comes around from time to time offering prey, herbs, or other miscellaneous items in exchange for temporary shelter, medical treatment, food, etc. but he never stays long and prefers not to be bothered any more than is necessary.

His beliefs/who he is loyal to is unknown, he regularly visits Shadeclan so he is at least aware of an afterlife but doesn't seem to be phased by it/acknowledge it. He either ignores the wandering Shadeclan spirits or speaks to them as if they are regular cats.

He respects the clan leaders and those of a higher rank but does not seem to care enough to treat them any differently from regular warriors. He knows when it's best not to talk or do something but also refuses to allow high-ranking clan cats to have as much power over him.

He goes where he pleases and does what he wants, but is more willing to leave when asked than fight over shelter/food/herbs that will ultimately be a temporary luxury for him.

Despite his unamused demeanour he seems to enjoy watching over the kits and is a natural father, some clan cats have a bet going to see if anyone can woo the unusual stranger but no one had succeeded in becoming anything more than his acquaintance yet. It is unknown whether he likes kits because he wants his own, or if he is completely uninterested in the concept of a family, but the majority of the cats placing bets on his relationship status believe the former to be true.

He appears to be aware of how desirable he is to some of the clan cats, and sometimes uses that fact to get slightly better treatment, but aside from the odd flattering statement and occasionally tolerating being closer than he'd like to other cats he never reciprocates and has thus been the victim of countless rumours (which he either doesn't know about or simply doesn't care about). He is the focus of rumours such as already having a secret mate, not being interested in she-cats/toms, and many more even wilder theories.

He's a great hunter, as seen by the huge amounts of prey he provides for the clans, and always shows up with large stocks of rare or hard-to-obtain herbs, no one can figure out how he manages it but one thing they're sure of is that he is very skilled. Because of his natural talent the clans higher-ups (leaders, deputies, med.cats) have all attempted to get him to join their clan at least once but he always declines their offers and refuses to give any reason why.