Hey, im really interested in this little guy https://toyhou.se/25553044.tbn-very-tent ,I’d be willing to do nsfw/nudity or ship art for it! I don’t have straight up nsfw examples on this account but I do have some suggestive artwork, Art Examples

hi! i will take your offer would u be able to show me nsfw/nudity  exemples via discord  by any chance ?   

hey are u still intrested ?  

Im so sorry for the late response! Been busy for the past few days and I must’ve missed your reply, unfortunately I don’t have discord but I do have Instagram, it’s the same name as on here, again I’m so sorry!

It's alright no worries! I will message you over there whenever it's possible for me!  ( currently going somewhere) 

Thank you so much! Take your time!

sorry for tthe wait messaged u over there :)!

https://toyhou.se/24457656.dusk-very-tent-lf-swaps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can offer anyone in my ufo and storage folders!! (includes the 4 infolders too!)

tysm for offering but i didnt see anyone i do use :) !

Hi! :D id love to adpot him https://toyhou.se/15216461.tyler i can offer 1 half body or maybe ship art (btw can't do nsfw) art examples ic :)

hi ! i will take your offer ! ( btw your artstyle is gorgeous :0 )   would u be fine with doing  ship art   of cannon x oc ?  ( if not im fine with just the halfbody : )! )

Of course! :)

do you have discord ? i do like to get art of a character offsite , if not i can just send you it via message with a stash link :) !

Yep I have discord! My user name is hoshiyawashere_tvt

sorry for late reply ! i will add your right now !

hello!! was interested in grabbing this goober: https://toyhou.se/25424276.asterix i could offer a regular bust or a couple bust or something nsfw perhaps? lmk what you'd accept for em!! ^w^

could u do a couple   bust of this guys ?  :D 

https://toyhou.se/26502968.noa and  https://toyhou.se/26403158.van 

yeah totally!! did you have anything particular in mind in terms of poses/expressions? ^w^

 Anything cute  or cuddly works for them! ( sorry for late reply I was asleep!)  Or   maybe  one of them kissing the others  cheek   also works :) ! 

awww sure i can do that!! ^w^ btw, i just wanted to let you know that due to a violent protest at my college that is currently escalating, my trades are temporarily put on hold until things calm down!! i will try to get back to doing art as soon as i can but obviously my safety and sanity are my #1 priority!! hope that's okay!!

No worries tottaly fine! Take your time.! You being okay is more important than art so please take as long as you need :) ( as long as you keep me updated whenever I ask for updates it's alright!)

2 Replies

hi! could I adopt Lowe?

sorry someone already claimed them ty for your intrest tough :)

no problem : ))

I can offer a combination of small gifs (like these: https://toyhou.se/26835345.gifanimated-examples, I’d prefer nothing complex but they can be if it’s within moderation since these will be in pixel art form and quite tiny compared to my other stuff) and headshots for https://toyhou.se/15124572.sea-breeze-a-bit-tent, https://toyhou.se/19488019.unnamed, and https://toyhou.se/17382997.sunny !

I’m thinking two gifs and headshots for Breeze and unnamed, and one of each for Sunny, I can negotiate if needed for the amount for any quality or quantity reasons

If possible I’d also like to adopt https://toyhou.se/17618739.clemmy ! I can also give offers on them if needed

 hi  the links  you put  arent working so i cant see the exemple or the characters you wanted-  

edited the comment to remove the [a] tags, I have no idea why they never work whenever I comment on your stuff but work with everyone else TnT

i will take your offer !

just to make sure your offering 2 headshots and 2 gifs for breeze right ? ( since u didnt put a number neext to the headshots i just wanna make sure ( and i will send you clemmy over its a freebie after all :D!

Yup! I actually changed it so I'm offering 2 of each (gifs and headshots) for both Breeze and the unnamed since both are tent, you can also tell me your preference for the gifs in case you want a specific size (the pixel examples are 100x100)

and thank you! another baby to add to my empire of little critters >:)

alright  !  and np !

( ima put each connected to the character or else ima get confused- )

sea breeze :

gifs : https://toyhou.se/26657864.wisteria and https://toyhou.se/26231351.soddikken

headshots :   https://toyhou.se/13974358.shima and  https://toyhou.se/26740601.bloodrose ( please read her description  before drawing her im working on making her a new ref but  while i dont have it done theres info on how i want her drawn :)! )

unnamed : 

gifs : https://toyhou.se/26337889.litbreon  https://toyhou.se/26309057.wrath

headshots :  https://toyhou.se/26652006.caprisun  https://toyhou.se/26135436.fusion

sunny :

 gif : https://toyhou.se/21386549.nate

headshot :  https://toyhou.se/14458483.v#47632148

2 Replies

Hey, I love https://toyhou.se/25553044.tbn would you like to trade her for anyone in This or This  folder?

sorry  didnt see anyone i do use ty for offering tough 

Hi may I please adopt Benny?

sorry someone already claimed them ty for your intrest tough :)!


I can see no ones interested in this one qwq... So id like to get them for a fullbody please!!

i will take your offer could you draw  

https://toyhou.se/26740601.bloodrose ( please read her  info  before drawing her cause theres info on how i like her drawn )




tysm , sending the character over :)!

  yup! ( btw golden cheese was already offered on but the rest is available ! :D )

so for  emo cat :    2 icons 

 mammon : 1 icon 

lowe : litterally free so ima give him  to u :)!

archipelagos :  either a half or a full  

pinki :  a full 

mochi :  a headshot/icon is fine 

snow angel : a fullbody works ( want them gone )

ota : 2 icons / headshot

 let me know if this works / is fair for you  or if u do like do  decide on a difrent offer :)!  i will send the freebie over .

hii, tysm for the freb! looking back i think i wouldnt use pinki and ota but id love to offer on the other guys! 

i could do the 4 icons, half and full for em :3

I can draw em! Do u have any expressions or poses for em in mind? And btw finishing the art may take me some time cuz school +I have some other owed art to finish, I hope that's okay ^_^

for noa if you could make something like with some blood falling from his mouth that would be great :) ! ( hes part vampire ) if your fine with gore ofc !

for jean a serious or mad expression works for v a grin

glitter anything is fine

for lux if you could draw her with a silver cockatiel on her head or shoulder that would be awsome ( i wanted some art with my pet :) so if u could do that i would apreaciatte it alot if not thats fine tough ! (

for shima if you could draw her holding/ hugging a shark plushy that would be awesome :D!

also no worries my limit is 1 month , in case u need more it goes up to 2 months :)! ( i also have art pending and school so i tottaly understand )

4 Replies

 i will take your offer :D!

could u do 





Sure! Any specific posses/expressions?

for shima smiling and if u could make her hugging a ikea shark plush that would be great :D! for lux a sitting position looking bored or upset works !

Just finished! I'll send em

 i love em !  i sent u the character over  , tysm :) !

https://toyhou.se/5671516.cecilia may i adopt them pls!!

yup sending her over !



would you take art/trades for them?

 yup i would , i prefer art  currently :)!  what would u be willing to do ? 

would you take a fb for them?

sorry for late reply ! yeah a full works ! could u do https://toyhou.se/23697447.tbn or https://toyhou.se/26495530.tbn ( if u cant draw em let me know ! i can give u other character to draw )

yeah i can do them!


Tysm! I love it ❤ :D! Sending the character over

1 Replies