Hey there if you’re still doing these chibi customs I would love the opportunity to be able to get a mantis lizard hybrid ? Specifically an orchid mantis and a Gaboon viper mix breed, I don’t have a specific mood board as I would rather the artist takes as much liberty as possible but if you could base them on early 2000s scene/emo with greys blacks and slashes of neon or pastel blues pinks and oranges ^^?  Thank you for your time hope this is enough to go by I’ll go sub to u now ^^!

Thank you for the opportunity! Mainly I want a beach esthetic character.. doesn't matter what species but they have to beach themed.

Heres some moodboards

hey tysm for the chance! an anthro cat would be preferred but anything is ok; any of these moodboards would be great!



Heya! Tysm for the chance, I'd love fluffy feral dragons since I'm going to be making like a world(?) I guess :D

You get free rein, and can choose whichever one(s) you want!

Moodboards: (TW: multiple eyes, you don't have to add multiple eyes fyi) (Instead of owl themed, could be an owl mask if you want) (TW: multiple eyes, again you don't have to add them)

That's it xD

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3

desertcore mononykus, inspired by barn owls 😻
anthro or feral
can have termites in their fur, the termites are their friends

Tysm for the opportunity!

I would live an anthro spider lady who's a red Cross nurse or something similar! :3 moodbroad

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Hii Thanks for chance!

I would like an anthro cat (prefer white fur, and optional persian car breed) inspired on this moodboard ^^


IMG_0779.jpg?ex=663302c9&is=66208dc9&hm=I would really like an anthro cat with like a millipede tail (could be curled or not)  

Maybe something based off of this?

preferably an anthro bull 

i love dragons! heres a mood board <3


Could this guy be a cat? They can be anthro or feral! they also like doodling and make them donut themed too!OIP.2Y7sRv2FT7PkkGFXPIlHmAHaHa?rs=1&pid=

I'd love to get a Roach + Cat Hybrid if possible! They can be either feral or anthro too, whichevers easier for you :3


If still openn

Can u make character, inspired on Fern from Adventure time, please?:0👉👈 (Preferably humanoid) 

Moodboard, if need :3

this as an anthro cat? idk i spent like 10 straight minutes trying to pick a moodboard bc i couldnt choose just one X3


Oooo I think a feline (or something feral) would be cool!

Moodboard link :D

Also, am I allowed to send multiple uh prompts 👁️ ( understand only one could be picked but I have ideas 🫶 )

Yeah ofc!

YIPPEE here’s a couple more ( editing this message a couple times )

ORCA DRAGON,,,,, EEEE yes yes yes, tropical and watercore Water core stuff

Alien space Sphinx cat!

And last one, kraken/octopus (maybe dragon mixed?) poolrooms

ooohhhh ty for the chance!! your art and designs r slay omg

if possible, could you do an anthro bug with this mb (by auvoirVHS)?

subbed to this account btw! ill sub to lusterthesandwing as well if i haven’t already :D


Claim? 🥺🥺🥺 

(I’ll send moodboard if yes)

I’m doing multiple and just picking and choosing which ones interest me the most, so go ahead!

1 King Charles cavalier if u use this one for the species


borzoi for species if you use this one,


leopard for species if you use this one,

k that’s all