


8 years, 3 months ago


Name Anais Meaning "grace"
Age Unknown Gender Female
Race Wishem Role Former cult goddess
Height 5'9" Build Slender
Tarot The Lovers Sexuality Fluid
Alignment Lawful Good Theme WE ARE THE HEARTS by EXGF
Likes kissing
warm cocoa
Dislikes screaming/yelling
reminders of her past
abusive people
demanding her tears

Anaïs is a soul totally in love with the world and all it's creatures, which has led her dangerously close to the path of corruption more than once. As a young wishem, the powers of her tears were discovered and she was captured by a cult of mortals who sought to use her powers for their own gain; however she would only grant wishes to matters dealing with love. The cultists, too in love with her beauty and did not wish to mar her or cause pain, slowly lost sight of their original goals, and became a benevolent cult.

But a cult is still a cult. While her devotion to her cause remained bright, she grew melancholy until she retreated upon herself and lay still upon her bed, dropping single tears from her eyes once every 10 years. In a twist of events, one of the cultists found a way to give her her freedom, and she's been wandering the world since.

With a restored sense of self and purpose, she grants her wishes rarely but upon mortals with pure intentions of love.


"I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it."

Anaïs is a kind-hearted individual who has been through much in her life. While she has little notable about her life before becoming the centre of a cult, she still attracted the attention of many with her unique appearance and the rumours of her granting wishes related to the heart (although wishems as a species are rarely known about). After her escape she maintained a desire to stay as completely unknown as possible when it comes to her powers, and relies on the good nature of those she trusts to keep her secrets hidden and herself safe.

Magical Ability

Anaïs' primary magical ability is to grant wishes with her tears. Users require only a drop, where they can pray for their wish and the magical energy imbued within the tear is released into the world. If the wishes are used for negative intentions, however, they will have a negative impact on Anaïs herself, which can slowly corrupt her. This is what has led her to go into hiding to avoid.

Anaïs also has a proficient ability to do other kinds of magic, as indicated by the seven points on her halo: these signify a great power innate within her for magic, as well as status amongst other wishems. However due to Anaïs' shy nature, she rarely has cause to show this infront of others, believing it to be rude or flaunting her power to others.


♥ Anaïs' tears are always red, symbolizing her connection with love and the heart
♥ Contrary to most of her art, Anaïs is a happy individual!
♥ Anaïs has a fascination with history and the occult, but is terrified of cults and will immediately leave if she feels threatened


♥ 7+ halo point 【 RARE 】 ♥ puff fluff gene (+2 points of growth)【 RARE 】
♥ tear colour other than blue/white【 COMMON 】 ♥ shoulder fluff (WING SUMMONING ABILITY)【 SUPER RARE 】
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Open for roleplay opportunities!

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Open for roleplay opportunities!

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Open for roleplay opportunities!